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long-term planning

Innovative management

Ivlieva Natalia N.

Ph. D., Associate Professor, Department of Valuation and corporate Finance

University «SYNERGY»,
Russia, Moscow,
SPIN-code author: 8678-4520
E-mail: [email protected]

Sukhanova Irina G.

Ph. D. MRICS, Associate Professor, Department of Valuation and corporate Finance,

University «SYNERGY»,
Russia, Moscow,
SPIN-code author: 4934-9815 E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction and evaluation of the unified technology as a factor of stimulation of innovative activity of the Russian economy

The article analyzes the main problems and measures to stimulate the innovative development of the Russian economy at the state level.A number of features of a single technology as an object of evaluation are identified, various options for using the results of the evaluation of the cost of a single technology are considered and possible types of cost that can be estimated for different options are identified.

Theory of administration of management decisions

Maslennikova Irina L.

Master of the Department «Industrial logistics»

Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
Russia, Moscow,
E-mail: [email protected]

Management decisions making on digital production development on the basis of cognitive approach

The article deals with the concept of digital transformation of economy and production, raises the problem of the relationship between technology, economy and society in the framework of digital transformation. The outcome of the management decision on digital technologies introduction in manufacturing depends on the method of...

Production management

Maslennikova Irina L.

Postgraduate, Assistant of the Department «Industrial logistics»

Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
Russia, Moscow,
E-mail: [email protected]

Problems of long-term production planning and maintenance of complex high-tech equipment within a life cycle contract

The article presents a new approach in the framework of interaction between an industrial enterprise and a customer. There are a number of advantages for both the contractor and the customer. Analyzed the risks to which attention should be paid within...

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