For indicating of innovation effectiveness rocket-space industry enterprises is proposed to use the evaluation of reproduction innovative potential. Such an assessment is proposed by using the management tool as monitoring. The monitoring of reproduction innovation potential rocket – space industry enterprises provides an integrated approach that takes into account quantitative and qualitative components. An integrated approach for monitoring is based on analysis of innovation potential sufficiency at a certain time moment and / or period and consists in assessing the level of reproduction innovation potential to meet the current and future needs of innovation activity.
The application possibility monitoring of reproduction innovative potential rocket-space industry enterprises is illustrated on scheme of innovative potential turnover in innovative activity. The anal- ysis of dynamics reproduction innovative potential allows to argue controllability degree and reaction speed of the innovator to the changing conjuncture and disturbing internal and external influences. Management decisions based on results of monitoring reproduction innovative potential in the domestic rocket-space industry enterprises should contribute to expansion commercial communications and investment, integration into the global innovation space, the creation parity state partnership.