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anti-crisis management

Innovative management

Levitskaya Irina A.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

University «SYNERGY»,
Russia, Moscow,
E-mail: [email protected]

Innovation as a factor in countering the crisis

In the terms of challenging market economy in Russian Federation the society faced a number of new problems. According to experts the most important problem is the problem of anti-crisis management and anti-crisis resilience increase.

Human resource management

Alaverdov Ashot R.

Dr. Econ. Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of human resources management

University «SYNERGY»,
Russia, Moscow,
SPIN code: 9148-6051
E-mail: [email protected]

Alaverdova Tatiana P.

С-t. Ekon. Sciences, associate Professor, Head of the Department of accounting and taxation

University «SYNERGY»,
Russia, Moscow,
SPIN code: 1664-1746
E-mail: [email protected]

Corporate program of crisis management staff: «while the thunder will not burst»

The subject area of the article is the strategy and tactics of personnel management of a crisis organization, the priority goal of which is the preservation of the personnel elite as the most valuable component of the human capital of any modern employer...

Ключевые слова

anti-crisis management corporate program of anti-crisis personnel management human capital network schedule personnel elite project approach staff rotation

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