The article deals with the concept of digital transformation of economy and production, raises the problem of the relationship between technology, economy and society in the framework of digital transformation. The outcome of the management decision on digital technologies introduction in manufacturing depends on the method of studying the factors affecting it.
The article reveals and justifies the use of the method of cognitive modeling as a method of research of semi-structured and complex systems, as well as describes its main stages, principles, assumptions and capabilities. Using the method of cognitive modeling, the decision-maker will assess the vec- tor of situation development, analyze the non-obvious relationship between the factors affecting the situation and identify which factors should be affected. In this paper we construct a cognitive model of socio-economic factors influencing the level of digital production.
With the help of the constructed model and the above math- ematical calculations, it is possible to assess quickly and accurately the interaction within the system, to identify trends in the situation, to conduct a scenario forecast of the situation, to determine the consequences of certain management decisions.