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Current state of investment activity of the electric grid enterprise

This article discusses the problem of choosing the method of organization and execution of works on the objects of reconstruction and construction in the regional power grid enterprise. The article is devoted to the actual problem of optimal combination of works in contract and economic way in the power grid complex.

The author seeks to emphasize that in the conditions of extreme necessity to perform large-scale volumes of work in the power grid complex for the restoration and modernization of largely worn-out electric networks of 0.4-110 kV, the choice of the most appropriate method of work involves significant savings in material and financial resources of the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to analyze the study of factors affecting the economic feasibility of construction works by contract or economic means.

The characteristic features of performance of works on the main groups of power grid objects are allocated and described. Considerable attention is paid to the indicators of quality assessment of the organization of work, which should be taken into account in making decisions about the method of work. The main content of the study is the analysis of the structure and specifics of the work on the power grid facilities of the interregional power grid complex, taking into account in its structure the branches carrying out investment activities on the power grid facilities within the territorial boundaries of the subject of the Russian Federation. This problem is poorly understood and requires further research.